Monday, February 4, 2013

Rovers are Over-Great Job!!

In a well written paragraph (or more-intro, details, conclusion) discuss your experience during the Rover project.  What did you like the most/least?  What was your biggest challenge, how did you overcome it and what did you learn from it?  How will doing a project like this help you in the future?


  1. I am happy that the rover project is over. Being a programmer is difficult! I didn't know what I was doing half the time. But I got the programming to work and we were the fist rover to not fail! I was happy when our rover didn't fail because that means the programmers did a good job. I became a better programmer by asking Mr.Patterson for help and I learned. This project taught me patience.

    ~A.Perkins, AOA

  2. During this rover project I found it to be a very interesting and fun experience. It is something that I feel privileged to be apart of it. Unfortunately, I had to miss a large chunk of it due to illness. Though missing so much of it I really enjoyed the process of learning about Mars. Participating in this project will give me a good base of working in a group, and having a specific job to do, so I will be able to use this experience to my advantage in the real world later in life.
    N.Zesky IDep

  3. My favorite part of the Rover project was building the heat shield that got our Rover to Mars. Building the heat shield was also probably one of the biggest challenges because we had to figure out what we were going to use for it and how we could make it fit the Rover inside of it. Doing a project like this will help us with our social skills because we had to work with other people and speak in front of about 100 people.
    T. Ghika, Technician, EDL

  4. My experience with the rover was great. What I liked the most was the launch day. My biggest challenge was communicating with the other members of the team. A project like this will help me in the future with public speaking.

  5. During the Rover project, there were great things about the project and challenges that all of the teams had to face. The things I liked the most about it are that we could work all together and we all got along. There was nothing to dislike about the project. My biggest problem was probably time. Time really got in the way of finishing the project, and getting everything done that we needed for EDL. I learned that things can be challenging, but if you have friends and a really good team the job gets done and Amerigo was a success.

    B. Hanreck, Engineer, EDL

  6. Working on the rover was really fun. The rover was something different. I thought the rover was a good way to work on persenting in front of people. My favorite part was the meetings we had before we began buliding. I didn't really have a least favorite part but the most challenging part was knowing were the other groups were putting the thing they were working on. My group, AOA, had to work around the other groups. We just really had to communicate with the other groups. This project helped me with speaking in front of people. Now it not as hard to talk in front of people. I thought the rover project was a great way to get over stage fright. I enjoyed the rover project very much.
    -I.Calcaginio AOA

  7. The thing that I can take from this is that I can not take control of the AOA group like I always do. Like I almost broke the rover. Also the job of AOA would not get done and the rover would fail. That is what i took away from this.

    G.Ferrari, AOA

  8. During the Rover project its was fun because we got to have our own ideas when making every part of the landing sequence of the Mars Rover Amerigo. What I liked most about the project was we didnt have complications with getting along. We were all friends. My biggest challenge was were all working on one thing at a time. Although at the end of the project, we each got a seperate job to get everything done. Doing a project like this will definetly help in the future. For example, working in groups will help me but also being independent sometimes when we need to get everything done. Also, it will help me and my speaking skills getting up and talking in front of a big audience.

    -Megan Mann,EDL

  9. Over the last month or before we worked on our Rover project. Each letter group got there own Rover to build off of. I liked working with the group and coming up with cool ideas for the rover to make it better. The bigest challenge of the Rover was prgraming it because it was a whole new program. One thing I learned from this experience is the new program. This project will help me in the future when I have to work with other people. That was what we did over the past month or so.

  10. I was extremly excited when our Rover Mission succeded. My favorite part was when we got our two CPU's on because it was diffult to do. This Rover project was a great experience because we had to work with other people and help each other. In conclusion the Rover Project was awesome.
    L.Taylor, A.O.A Technician, Project Manager

  11. My experience during the rover project was a really cool experince. The thing that I liked the most was when our team, VCom, had to use the legos to come up with good iPod mounts that can fit on the rover. Also, I liked it when we tested the iPod recording the RAT drill in the rock. What I liked the least was trying to work on the mountwhile it was on the rover and everyone else was also working on it. My biggest challenge was creating a mount that would be succesful and everyone else would agree on it. What I learned from this was to work as a team to share all ideas on the mounts and then eventually we came up with a perfect mount. doing a project like this will help me during the future because I will soon have to work as a team and problem solve and share ideas.
    G.Buck, Engineer, VCom

  12. I think the rover was a sucess in many ways. The rover project gave students a great opportunity to show what we have been working hard. It also gave us speaking opportunities as well as collaboration with other students. I think most students should take advanage of projects such as this; it gives us skills most kids won't have in the working world. My favorite part of this project was learning about Mars' rovers and Mars in general. My least favorite part was nothing, I really enjoyed this rover project.
    G.Iocovozzi - EDL - Scientist

  13. I enjoyed this project alot. I found it to be a very fun and interesting project. I am glad I got the chance to work on this project with some pretty amazing people. I also think that I could use most of what I learned with this project and use it in the real world. In the future if I eventually decide to go to college to learn more about Rover's and missions I would at least have a little bit of experience on that field. The only thing I didn't really enjoy about this project is the fact that we had a lot of press conferences, because I felt like we could have used that time to get more accomplished.
    -Z.Rogers, MFO

  14. Our Rover was launched on Friday to Mars and it was a success. One thing I like about the Rover project was it was hands on. Also, we got a job and got to function with in our team in our jobs to make the Rover work. Something I really didn't like during this project was that since I was a programmer, I really never got a chance to practice for the mission control room. The biggest challenge was talking in front of everyone during the drop. I over came this by just doing it and just doing it to do it. Doing a project will help me with talking in front of people and over coming my fears.

  15. Working on the rover was fun.There was some good challenges that we had face.Like when we had to put the ipod on the rover and see the RAT drill into the rock.My biggest challenge trying to get a light weight mount.
    E.Roberts Vcom

  16. My Experience during the rover project was exciting but nervous for the end to see if our rover would work properly and make it to spartan 2-0-1-7 saftly. I was also a little apprehensive about how the R.A.T would work and if it would drill properly. When the day of the drop came and our team was in the control and we ran into our first problem it was a but scary but it all ended well and our rover acomplished its mission

  17. The Rover project was a lot of fun and hard work! The Rover took us a while to get it all together but it paid off in end.
    My experience with the Rover was great. I was a techian for the IDep team. We built a RAT and we put a real drill bit to a motor. Then the Rover had to drive all the way to the rock and we drilled into the rock it was a success.
    All of the building and every in this project was overall great. This was fun exciting and took team work.
